
Although proprietary, this operating system is widely used, as it deserves to be. There are certain applications that Windows can run that do not exist on Linux, particularly games.


The computers are pre-installed with Windows.

The configuration is easily customizable (wallpaper, etc...), and programs are already installed.

User Accounts

The principal session is the ideasbox session. It gives you administrative rights.

{to be completed}

Programs and Software

Just like with Ubuntu, a selection of programs are installed.

They include: vlc, skype, firefox, chrome, 7zip, teamviewer, blender, freecad, gimp, libreoffice, scratch, tuxpaint, sumatrapdf, flashplayer, audacity, calibre, dotnetfx , freemind , inkscape, picasa, scribus, sketchup et xmind.

We try to remove applications that are installed as trial versions, as they will expire quickly anyway.