Tablet Installation and Configuration

Tablets from the Ideas Box come pre-configured. However, last-minute needs may arise on-site.

You must therefore be responsive to these needs!

We strongly recommend that you use a computer with Linux for all operations described below.

Application Installation

There are two different procedures you can choose from to install new applications on the tablets.

Activate Google Play Store on all the tablets

  • Create a Google account
  • Configure each tablet using this Google account
  • In the Google Play Store select applications to be downloaded
  • Verify that the applications were downloaded. It may be necessary to restart tablets that were unable to download all of the applications

Bulk installation of applications via a computer instead of Google Play Store

  • For this option, you must already have all of the applications. If you do not, you will need to follow the procedure from above, but only on one tablet.
  • Use a computer with Linux (as it is very easy to install the utility)
  • Have the script required for bulk installation
  • Be aware that each tablet must be connected to the computer

Advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions

The Google Play Store solution could be practical if your partner wishes to enjoy a level of independence and plans to install new applications regularly. However, this procedure is not recommended in areas with low-speed Internet access, as the applications must be downloaded onto each tablet. (One application may take up to 150 MB.) That said, this procedure could be reassuring for a partner with limited technical skills. Know that you are entering into the Google universe at your own risk, but this is practically unavoidable if you wish to use applications which must be purchased.

The solution without Google Play Store is very interesting but requires some technical skills and may require you to train the partner in this regard. In addition, as we are using the bash script with the ADB utility, we can also take the opportunity to remove unnecessary applications or those that do not work. In this case, the applications are only downloaded once, which could be appropriate in areas with low-speed Internet access. In the fisrt time, you will have to download Android Yalp Store software in order to download all the needed apps, afterwards, you will have to copy them back to your computer and move to the next step Installing and removing applications in bulk

Activating the Play Store and downloading

This allows you to install the latest, most up-to-date, applications.

  1. Create a Google (Gmail) account to access Google Play
  2. Configure the Google Apps on the tablet with the previously created account

    • The Google Play Store icon may be hidden on Danew tablets, if this is the case
      • Application menu
      • Click on Paramètres -> Applications -> Toutes (Settings -> Applications -> All)
      • Select the Google Play Store application
      • Then click on Lancer (Run) in the middle/end of the page
      • A new window will open to request your Gmail user name and password
  3. Once saved, download the applications you wish to add to the tablets

  4. Also, we recommend downloading the File Expert application to keep a back-up copy of your downloaded applications.

At this point, you have downloaded your free applications and purchased others. You must now create a back-up of your new applications so they can be applied to all your tablets.

ATTENTION This application ONLY saves applications and does not save data. This means that some applications saved AND restored on another tablet will not work. To save data, your tablet must be ROOTED!

  1. Open File Expert

  2. Open the left-hand menu, Icon (=)

  3. Scroll down to Categories and click on Applications

  4. Select Applications installées (Installed Applications)

  5. In the panel that opens, select (by holding down) the applications you wish to save.

  6. Once completed, click on the icon on the top-right, of a circle with a dot in the middle. This will start to save all the applications that you selected.

  7. Once the back-up is made, open the left-hand menu again and select Stockage interne (Internal storage), click on backup_apps and you should find all your applications saved.

  8. Lastly, to retrieve them on your workstation, connect the tablet to your computer using the USB cable.

  9. When the window opens, select Stockage interne (Internal storage) and copy all the saved applications onto your computer.

You now have all the applications you have downloaded and are ready to install them on your tablets.

Installing and removing applications in bulk

For Danew tablets

If this is the first time you are connecting a Danew tablet to your computer, the latter may not be able to communicate correctly with Danew tablets. You must therefore run this command in a terminal

echo "0x0e8d" > ~/.android/adb_usb.ini

And add this line
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0e8d", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev" in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

The ADB utility

A utility called ADB available for Linux uses a command line to install a collection of .apk files (Android applications) on an Android device.

If the ADB utility is not installed on your PC, here is the command to run to install it on a Linux system: sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb

The default setting does not enable you to install applications directly from the command line. If the Google Play pack is not installed on the device, the only way to install applications is via the utility with the ABD command line.

You must therefore start by authorising the installation of third-party applications in the Android settings.

Uninstalling Applications

You may have to uninstall some applications in order to install others because of a lack of memory space.

To do so, you must find the name of the application.

Ex : Helium - App Sync and Backup

The URL contains the application’s full name :

The app name is just after id= therefore com.koushikdutta.backup

Find and input all the applications you wish to remove in a file app_a_supprimer.csv

Transferring APK Files

If your applications were on a tablet, send them to your computer in a folder named apk

  • Create a folder android_app somewhere on your computer (e.g.: /home/)
  • Move the file app\_a\_supprimer.csv and the folder apk to your new folder android\_app
  • Create a file and paste the content below

    while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
     adb uninstall $line
    done < "app_a_supprimer.csv"
  • find apk/ -name '*.apk' -exec adb install -r {} \;

  • Open a terminal

  • Move to your work folder, e.g. cd /home/android_app

  • Authorise file to run with chmod +x

  • Run the application for deletion and installation script./
  • The script above will uninstall the applications listed in the CSV file and will install all applications available in the APK folder.
  • You must then manually place the icons of the new applications on the desktop.